Demonstrating the Impact of Our Work 

Demonstrating the Impact
of Our Work

Case Studies

  • Successfully Engaging Silent Members 

    Disengaged from all health plan engagement for at least 24 months, FarmboxRx helps one MCO increase member participation in just one month.

  • Increasing Member Participation in Diabetes Care 

    FarmboxRx builds a customized program for a Tennessee-based MCO that leads to 91% of members completing critical diabetes health tasks. 

  • Successfully Engaging Silent Members 

    Disengaged from all health plan engagement for at least 24 months, FarmboxRx helps one MCO increase member participation in just one month.

  • Increasing Member Participation in Diabetes Care 

    FarmboxRx builds a customized program for a Tennessee-based MCO that leads to 91% of members completing critical diabetes health tasks.